• Overview

    Head and neck cancer, a group of malignancies originating in the throat, voice box, nose, sinuses, or mouth, presents a unique set of challenges. These cancers typically begin in the cells that form the exterior of these critical body parts. They encompass below types, each with its distinct characteristics:

    Oral Cavity: This category covers cancers affecting the lips, gums, hard palate, cheek insides, and tongue within the mouth.

    Pharynx: Pharyngeal cancers impact the throat, tongue, tonsils, and soft palate, often manifesting as symptoms like painful swallowing, earaches, and difficulty in breathing, speaking, and hearing.

    Larynx: Laryngeal cancer targets the vocal cords and epiglottis, displaying symptoms similar to pharyngeal cancer.

    Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses: Cancer may develop in the tissues of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, with warning signs including nosebleeds, headaches, sinus infections, and facial swelling.

    Salivary Glands: Salivary gland cancer, albeit rare, can originate in any salivary gland. Symptoms encompass jaw and chin swelling, muscle numbness, mouth sores, swallowing difficulties, and blood in spit. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

    Thyroid cancer, while part of head and neck cancer, primarily affects the thyroid gland. It's often treatable and associated with a high survival rate when diagnosed early. Treatment may involve surgery, radiation, or targeted therapies, depending on the cancer type and stage.

    Parathyroid cancer is an extremely rare type of cancer within the head and neck region, specifically involving the parathyroid glands. Diagnosis is challenging, but surgical removal is the primary treatment option. Due to its rarity, more research is needed to improve understanding and management of this condition.

  • Advanced Surgical Approaches for Head and Neck Cancer

    Surgical interventions for head and neck cancer play a pivotal role in the management of this complex disease, with the specific approach depending on the type and stage of the cancer.

    One advanced technique is flexible robotic surgery, which offers minimally invasive access to intricate areas of the mouth and throat using a flexible scope, enhancing precision.

    Vocal cord stripping involves the removal of outer vocal cord tissue, typically for biopsy or early-stage cancers, with minimal impact on speech.

    Laser surgery employs high-intensity lasers through an endoscope to vaporize or excise tumors.

    Procedures like cordectomy entail partial or complete removal of vocal cords, affecting speech.

    Laryngectomy involves removing the entire voice box, while partial laryngectomy selectively targets affected portions of Larynx.

    Free flap surgery reconstructs the throat using tissues from other body areas via microvascular surgery.

    Selective lymph node dissection to decrease morbidity

    Reconstructive microsurgery rebuilds affected head and neck regions using tissues from various body parts, offering improved functionality and appearance.

Enhancing Quality of Life During Head and Neck Cancer Treatment

Personalized Supportive Care for Improved Well-Being

  • Targeted therapies for voice and swallowing issues
  • Pain management options
  • Reconstructive surgery for patients with extensive tumor removal
  • Innovative techniques like microvascular reconstruction and free flap surgery
  • Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) for laryngectomy patients, restoring speech

Why People Choose Us?

Elevating Cancer Care through Expertise and Innovation

  • Carl Zeiss microscope for vascular anastomosis
  • Microsaw for precise cutting of bone (mandible and maxilla)
  • Legacy of many saved and satisfied
  • team of doctors work complimentarily

Our Expert Doctors

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Dr. Rutul Patel-cancer surgeon
Dr. Rutul Patel

Surgical Oncologist

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